コンセプトは「即物性のドラマ -意識や力における質感の描写/変容と対比による時空間の生成-」
Dance Base Yokohama レジデンスアーティスト。振付家・ダンサー。燦然CAMP主宰。
ソリッドかつ緻密な身体性、メタ的でありながら熱狂を伴うダンス作品を制作。現象学・彫刻的視座に基づく舞踏技術「Multi layered body」を研究実践し、国内外でWSや公演を行う。
また、舞台・ドラマ・映画・PV・CM等多数出演。受賞歴として、英国アカデミー賞公認映画祭 ダンス部門(2019)International Gombrowicz Festival 準グランプリ(2022)など。Butoh Lab Camp講師(2023)武蔵野美大特別講師(2023)などを務める。次代の文化を創造する新進芸術家育成事業(2021、文化庁 現代舞踊協会)世界に羽ばたく次世代クリエイターのためのDance Base Yokohama 国際ダンスプロジェクト “Wings”(2024、文化庁)に選出。

Conan Amok
The concept is “The drama of materiality – depicting the texture of consciousness and power / generating space-time through transformation and contrast”
Dance Base Yokohama resident artist. Choreographer and dancer. Organizer of Sanzen CAMP.
A5yl/Sanzen Kobo artistic director. Graduated from the Sculpture Department of Musashino Art University in 2010. Belonged to Dairakudakan (2008-2019) and studied under Akaji Maro. Creates dance pieces with solid and precise physicality, and meta-themed yet passionate works.
He has also appeared in numerous stage productions, dramas, films, music videos, and commercials. He has received awards including the Dance Division of the BAFTA Film Festival (2019) and the runner-up at the International Gombrowicz Festival (2022). He is a lecturer at Butoh Lab Camp (2023) and a special lecturer at Musashino Art University (2023). He was selected for the Project to Foster Emerging Artists Who Will Create the Culture of the Next Generation (2021, Agency for Cultural Affairs, Contemporary Dance Association) and the Dance Base Yokohama International Dance Project “Wings” (2024, Agency for Cultural Affairs) for the next generation of creators who will take flight around the world.